Thursday, August 16, 2007

Embed Audio Files in HTML pages

To add the wav file to your html page use the following:

#EMBED src="file.wav" autostart=true loop=false volume=100
hidden=true@#NOEMBED@#BGSOUND src="file.wav"#/NOEMBED@

replace - @ with >
replace - # with <
Where the a file named file .wav has been uploaded to your site in the same directory as the page which contains the EMBED tags.

In the above example where autostart=true, the file will automatically start playing. Use this tag for background sound which should start immediately once it is downloaded.

You can also use loop=true where you want the sound to repeat over and over. By editing a short sound and using the loop=true option you can create continuous audio from a very short audio cut. For example: waves, applause, engine sounds and so on.

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